[K-2nd grades]

The Kindergarten Dance class, accompanied by live music, is a carefully-constructed bridge from CDF’s Movement-to-Music Curriculum to the first grade level.  Students gain an understanding of proper posture and alignment, while practicing skills that develop imagination, poise and grace.

The 1st Grade Dance class, accompanied by live music, introduces basic ballet vocabulary and modern dance concepts, using imagery that enlivens the student experience. Students are challenged with movement combinations and learn to work alone, with a partner and in small groups.

At the 2nd Grade Dance level, students build upon skills gained in the Kindergarten and 1st Grade Dance classes and prepare to enter the Dance Artist Program.  Students must enroll in Ballet,  Modern Dance or both.  In addition, students are encouraged to take Tap, Jazz or Creative Drama as electives.

Summer 2015 [June1-August 1]

Kindergarten  3:00-3:45
1st Grade  4:00-4:45

September 2015-May 2016

Kindergarten   1:30-2:15
Kindergarten  3:45-4:30
1st Grade  4:35-5:20
2nd Grade Ballet 5:25-6:25

Kindergarten   3:45-4:30
1st Grade  4:35-5:20
2nd Grade Tap    5:05-6:05

Kindergarten  5:10-5:55
1st Grade   3:45-4:30
Tap 4:35-5:05 – K and 1st combined (NEW!)
2nd Grade Jazz    3:45-4:45
2nd Grade Modern4:50-5:50

Kindergarten    4:35-5:20
1st Grade    3:45-4:30
2nd Grade Ballet  4:00-5:00
2nd Grade Modern 5:05-6:05

Kindergarten    11:05-11:50
1st Grade    12:00-12:45


More Information

Video sample of Modern Dance, Ballet, Jazz & Tap classes
Spring Performance Information

Studio Calendar
Class Attire